
Helping Lululemon leverage a robust and flexible platform

With nearly 300 brick and mortar locations globally, Lululemon Athletica has been offering high-end athletic apparel and accessories for men and women since 1998. Combined with online sales, the company averages an annual revenue of approximately $1.8 Billion.

Visual Design

Transition troubles

Having just heavily invested in Adobe Experience Manager, Lululemon initially found themselves struggling with their prior technology partner to assure a seamless transition while providing the right level of assistance to allow Lululemon’s in-house development team to fully engage the powerful and dynamic CMS. To ensure a successful migration and future stability, Lululemon sought Content\Thread’s deep understanding of the AEM platform.

Migration through collaboration

By providing thorough initial discovery sessions, technical review sessions, and weekly status meetings, Content\Thread was able to collaborate with Lululemon to ensure the website was live on-schedule, with all necessary source code and project-related configuration files complete.

A Customized Tool

We also helped Lululemon envision a tool that would empower store-level employees to deal with unsold inventory. The Product Notification tool was born to allow email marketing campaigns to promote real time inventory to local customers. It allows store managers to alert these customers when new products arrive, managing inventory in real time while meeting demand and building relationships. We created a new UI that separated dependency. The PN tool gives store employees the ability to choose from multiple themes and templates. A separate preview panel shows non-technical users what their emails would look like in customers’ hands, allowing for greater creative freedom. This powerful tool is a great example of how we used technology to make a real difference in Lululemon’s retail practices.